MARCH 26 at 1pm EDT / 6pm CET

Tired of saying yes when you mean no? This masterclass will help you set firm, clear boundaries, without over-explaining, guilt, or second-guessing.

Does this sound familiar?

Your inbox is full of “quick favours” that somehow eat up your entire day.

Someone asked you to volunteer (again), and before you could stop yourself the yes slipped out.

You feel guilty when you do set a boundary, like you’re letting people down.

Your boundaries right now are coming from reaction meaning you can only take so much and then you blow up.

You tell yourself, “It’s fine, I’ll just do it,” because it’s easier than dealing with their reaction.

You struggle to make decisions and you get stuck in self-doubt spirals.

You've spend years making sure everyone else is happy, and now you don't even know what you want anymore.  

You know something needs to change, but you don’t know how to actually hold your boundaries without feeling like a terrible person.

You can’t remember the last time you had a full hour to yourself without someone needing something.

Here's the thing:

Boundaries aren't a strategy.  They're a felt truth.  

What makes this class different?

Nervous System Safety

When you fully inhabit yourself, you feel safe to be yourself.  You don't need to hide who you are and you are clear about what you need.  

Body Sensitivity

Your boundaries live in your body, and the more sensitive you are to your body, the better your boundaries are as a result. 

Unwinding Patterns

We liberate the deeply rooted patterns that keep you stuck in over-giving and saying yes when you mean no.  

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Senior Journalist

Boundaries Masterclass

When: March 26 at 1pm EDT (6pm CET)

Where: Online via Zoom (link will be emailed to you)

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