MARCH 26 at 1pm EDT / 6pm CET
Tired of saying yes when you mean no? This masterclass will help you set firm, clear boundaries, without over-explaining, guilt, or second-guessing.

MARCH 26 at 1pm EDT / 6pm CET
Does this sound familiar?
Your inbox is full of “quick favours” that somehow eat up your entire day.
Someone asked you to volunteer (again), and before you could stop yourself the yes slipped out.
You feel guilty when you do set a boundary, like you’re letting people down.
Your boundaries right now are coming from reaction meaning you can only take so much and then you blow up.
You tell yourself, “It’s fine, I’ll just do it,” because it’s easier than dealing with their reaction.
You struggle to make decisions and you get stuck in self-doubt spirals.
You've spend years making sure everyone else is happy, and now you don't even know what you want anymore.
You know something needs to change, but you don’t know how to actually hold your boundaries without feeling like a terrible person.
You can’t remember the last time you had a full hour to yourself without someone needing something.
Enter your bullet points here..
It's not you.
If you struggle to say no, hold your boundaries or put yourself first it's not because you are weak, too nice or simply bad at boundaries.
You've learned (probably for most of your life growing up) that if you were agreeable, kind and flexible it made people happy. And when they are happy it means you are ok, and loved.
So now, when you try and set a boundary it feels like you are breaking a rule you've lived by your whole life.
Here's the thing:
Boundaries aren't a strategy. They're a felt truth.
You can't think your way into stronger boundaries.
And you might have noticed using your willpower is not a reliable power source for boundaries. It's hard to even think of boundaries when you are feeling drained.
You could continue to learn a list of responses of what to say when, but really, has this worked for you so far? My guess is not. It never worked for me either.
Your boundaries are fueled by your deepest truth. In this class, you will discover how to access that truth when you drop into your body.
What makes this class different?
Nervous System Safety
When you fully inhabit yourself, you feel safe to be yourself. You don't need to hide who you are and you are clear about what you need.
Body Sensitivity
Your boundaries live in your body, and the more sensitive you are to your body, the better your boundaries are as a result.
Unwinding Patterns
We liberate the deeply rooted patterns that keep you stuck in over-giving and saying yes when you mean no.
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Senior Journalist
Boundaries are how your experience you life.
If your boundaries are shaky, you might not even realize how much energy you are leaking every single day.
You need to decide where you time, energy and attention goes and you can only do that consistently and sustainably by knowing what you are available for. Simply practicing how to say no won't cut it.
First, you have to let the truth of what you available for fill you from the inside out, and then you can stand fully in yourself and your boundaries. And that is what you will discover in this masterclass.
Boundaries Masterclass
When: March 26 at 1pm EDT (6pm CET)
Where: Online via Zoom (link will be emailed to you)
All prices in USD